Parades, testimonies of a difficult but successful journey, call to open the eyes wide to seize available opportunities, all accompanied by deep emotions, welcome to the graduation of East African University Rwanda, 3rd intake.
The graduation of 251 students that took place at the Nyagatare campus was a renewed wake up call to the graduates to look forward as they embrace the labour market and entrepreneurship.

“We have put this intake on the labour market. This cohort went through a difficult period of COVID-19, but we hope that the graduates will show a positive image of themselves, and of the school at large,” said Dr. Kitambara Marcelin, the University Chancellor.
It was a day of emotions for the graduates who worked hard to see this day despite all the challenges posed by the COVID-19 that they had never imagined it would be as hard as it turned to be.

“Glad to be awarded as the best student after really hard work in a difficult period of COVID-19 pandemic,” said Anithi Maombi, the best student in this intake.
She was holding a dummy cheque worth of Rwf 1 million courtesy of Bank of Kigali as award for defying the odds to come on top.
Maombi who graduated from Industrial Fine art already has a business of beauty shop and the gift of Bank of Kigali is a good support to her venture.
Since 2015 and under the motto “the Well-spring of knowledge and character”, the East African University Rwanda is contributing to Rwanda’s education in five branches.

The branches are: Education, Business Administration and Management, Film making and Production, Mass communication and Journalism and Industrial Fine art.
Currently, 1000 students study at this school with two campuses of Nyagatare and Kigali.