The Online Newspaper of Students of East African University, Rwanda

Journalists, media stakeholders mark press Freedom Day scrutinizing environmental reporting

By: Igiraneza Mugisha Ghislaine KIGALI, Rwanda (May 3, 2024) Journalists, media experts and environmental leaders in Rwanda came together on Friday April 3rd to observe World Press Freedom Day and discussed the vital role of the media in covering the climate crisis and other environmental challenges facing the planet. The event, themed “Rwandan Journalism in […]

“No Planet B”, Rwanda’s Circular Fashion Exhibition: showcase sustainability in the fashion industry. “No Planet B”

By Ashley Mugema Rwanda fashion houses,NGOs and ministry of Environment, On september 29, stimulated discussions around sustainability in the fashion industry, recommendations to harness the circular fashion, aiming to inspire and educate how circular economy principles are reshaping the fashion industry for a more sustainable and ethical world. Curated by Maximilien Kolbe (fashion expert and […]